Opti 2022 – at last a restart with emotions

In 2022 the opti BOX AWARD will be presented at opti for the first time. © GHM

Since 1 August this year, industries have once again been able to meet for live events at the site of leading international trade fairs in Munich Germany). This further increases anticipation for opti 2022, 14-16 January, because it focuses on what counts: real encounters with people who do business and want to hold and feel new products.

Giving new impulses and bringing the industry together live is the team’s motto for the next opti. In mid-January 2022, however, a piece of the tried-and-tested will be joining the “new normal” that is currently present in every area of life. opti in Munich is returning to its  four-hall concept which, under the current circumstances, guarantees the greatest trade fair success and the familiar opti atmosphere as well as facilitating the well-known structures and routes, among other things.

The response from the ophthalmic industry is extremely pleasing. “We can already assume that we shall be presenting four full halls and plenty of innovations and enthusiasm. A clearly defined and structured design of the trade fair has proved itself over the years, and we can really tell that people want to meet up again and do business together. opti 2022 will be the customary turbo booster for the industry and, despite the time restrictions, will live up to its mission and claim as a meeting place for innovation and a hotspot for trends,” explains Bettina Reiter, head of opti.

Exhibitors and the trade fair audience can once again rely on opti to tailor key topics and concepts to the needs of the industry and, with a clear hall layout, provide good orientation and efficient trade fair visits. With its infrastructure and well-known possibilities, Munich as a trade fair location offers security and normality so that everyone can devote themselves fully to their reasons for coming to opti: business and expert knowledge. To this end, the opti team will shortly be presenting the digital formats of knowledge transfer that will complement opti’s offer before, during and after the trade fair days. “Everyone can look forward to these digital agenda items,” says Reiter. “In addition, registrations and orders for exhibitors can now easily be submitted online via our exhibitor portal. Routine has never been part of the opti experience. That’s why opti 2022 is going to be different from every single trade fair that preceded it.”