Schneider joins development project for ventilators to save lives of corona patients

Amidst the current global health crisis Schneider has teamed up with the Phillips-University of Marburg, Germany to refine, optimize and manufacture a scaled-down version of a ventilator that may serve as a last line of defense against the corona virus.

Within a few days’ time, the team of physicists and engineers have successfully taken the idea and brought it to fruition: The prototype was developed, the practical tests were conducted, and the supply chain is secured. The final version meets the expectations of the medical staff and could be produced in large numbers in no time.


The scaled-down ventilators are supposed to prevent a bottleneck in intensive care ventilation technology. They can be applied to those patients needing support in breathing both before they enter an acute state and afterwards, until they recover. The scarce number of professional ventilators can be deployed in the most acute and severe cases.

The only thing missing: An approval by the authorities.