New OptoTech furnace series

OCF Premium Plus 3 by Optotech

OptoTech has announced the release of their new OCF furnace series for curing hardcoatings on ophthalmic lenses as well as curing blanks. The 2 available versions (OCF Premium 2 and OCF Premium Plus 3) have individually controlled modules and adjustable feedrate for running different temperature profiles. At 50mm/min conveyor speed they are able to cure 450 lenses/h at full capacity (up to 3 stacked lens trays).

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The OCF Premium Plus 3 has built-in HEPA circulating air filters to meet the requirements according to class ISO 6. The temperature stays consistent at +/- 3K. No heat up or cool down cycles are needed due to the closed system and the cleanroom condition in the Plus 3 model lowers the reject rate and increases yield.