New Lens Product Description Standard (LPDS) completed

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

The Vision Council is pleased to announce the completion and approval of Version 1.00 of the Lens Product Description Standard (LPDS). Created by The Vision Council’s Lens Product Description Standard Committee, this standard serves as an eventual replacement for the Lens Description Standard v2.2 (LDS v2.2), which has long been the industry standard for lens manufacturers to provide technical information about their lenses and lens blanks.

To keep up with the changing nature of the industry and the more feature-rich designs available in the marketplace, industry members agreed that the LDS v2.2 was no longer sufficient to address their needs and joined together to form the LPDS Committee.

Building on the strong foundation of technical information of the LDS v2.2, the LPDS has a new, extensible format that allows for the flexibility to define digital designs independent of lens blanks, the ability to describe unique processing parameters, and the structure to deliver base curve charts for lens selection.

Developing industry standards for lenses is a key component to The Vision Council’s technical initiatives. Members of The Vision Council, as well as volunteer industry experts, comprise the Lens Product Description Committee, who work to produce or contribute to multiple standards and communications to assist the industry in serving the eyeglass-wearing public. Other contributing groups facilitated by The Vision Council include the Lens Technical Committee, and the Data Communication Standard Committee.

The Lens Product Description Standard (LPDS) Committee recently convened at Vision Expo West, where they refined the standard’s details and voted unanimously to approve Version 1.00. This new standard will usher in a new era of lens quality excellence; it ensures that manufacturers are equipped with the tools needed to excel in this dynamic marketplace that includes increasingly feature-rich designs.

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Standardization in lens product descriptions is critical. The LPDS empowers manufacturers, eyecare professionals, and consumers alike to adhere to a common language when describing product details. Ultimately this standardization eases communication across industry players, which enhances transparency, fosters innovation, and ultimately delivers superior products that cater to the diverse needs of consumers.

As a prominent advocate for the development and improvement of ophthalmic standards, The Vision Council collaborates closely with both domestic U.S. and international organizations. Together, they create and actively contribute to a wide range of standards and guidelines aimed at supporting the eyewear industry in its mission to serve the public effectively. The Vision Council’s active involvement in shaping these standards ensures that the interests of its member companies are effectively represented across various technical forums and at multiple levels of industry management.

To access the Lens Product Description Standard and FAQs, click here.

The Lens Product Description Standard Committee encourages you to post feedback, questions, or concerns on the LPDS forums, available here [Lens Product Description Standard (LPDS) – Hosted by The Vision Council], or email Michael Vitale, Vice President; Membership, Government Relations & Technical Affairs, at

Source: The Vision Council