FDA has granted “Breakthrough Device” designation to Essilor´s Stellest spectacle lens

Picture by Paul Diaconu on Pixabay

Essilor announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Breakthrough Devicedesignation to its Essilor Stellest spectacle lens, the Company’s new generation lens developed to correct myopia and slow down the progression of myopiain children.

The designation of the Essilor’s Stellest spectacle lens as by the FDA, that will lead to further U.S. research and FDA review, builds on the publication of twoyear results of an ongoing threeyear clinical trial, in China, in myopic children. After the first year, the trial results demonstrated that the eye growth of 9 out of 10 children wearing the Essilor Stellest lens was similar or slower than nonmyopic children. While after two years, according to Essilor, Essilor Stellest lens has been proven to be among the most effective myopia control solutions which have ever been tested.

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“The Breakthrough Devicedesignation for ourEssilor Stellest lens is a great achievement and an illustration of its potential in slowing down the progression of myopia in children. This designation represents an important milestone in our fight against the myopia pandemic. We look forward to working closely with the FDA for further clinical study and review, so we can provide the benefit of Essilor Stellest to U.S. children who continue to be at risk of visionthreatening complications due to high myopia.” commented Norbert Gorny, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Research & Development Officer of Essilor International.

The Breakthrough Devices Program by the FDA is intended to provide patients and health care professionals with timely access to medical devices that offer more effective treatment or diagnosis of lifethreatening or irreversibly debilitating diseases or conditions by speeding up their development, assessment, and review. After successful launch in China and other countries since 2020 with extremely positive response from eye care professionals, Essilor intends to further roll out Essilor Stellest in other countries