Hoya Vision Care has made progress on their way to more sustainability

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Hoya Vision Care has launched a sustainability program called ‘One Vision’. Embedded in its corporate strategy, it is designed around the company’s ambition to become a more connected, conscious, and impactful organization, focused on a better tomorrow. The purpose driven program based on three pillars: Environment, Community and Workplace has been successfully running internally for more than a year.
With the increasing effect of global climate change, Hoya Vision Care is committed to taking the critical steps needed to have an impact through science-based actions. The Environment pillar initiatives include:

1. C02 Emission Reduction: (a) Extensive reduction of energy consumption, becoming more efficient throughout its global operations. (b) Goal to reach 100% renewable electricity by 2040, if not sooner; with an interim target of 60% by 2030.
2. Waste prevention: (a) Significantly reduce the environmental impact of water usage in manufacturing and (b) programs to reduce, reuse, and recycle packaging in end-to-end supply chain
3. Environmental protection and employee safety and health: HOYA is ISO 14001 and 45001 compliant.

Hoya is committed to improving lives by ensuring everyone has an equal opportunity to clear sight. The Community pillar will focus on bridging the vision care gap addressing the estimated 2.2 billion people who have vision impairment or blindness. According to a recent Global Eye Health Report nearly half of these cases could be prevented or corrected with proper access to vision care.

Through local initiatives the company will promote vision care screenings and provide glasses to disadvantaged communities. Teams will also participate in activities around World Sight Day. An initial step in this pillar was Hoya’s 2022 roll-out of a three-year partnership with Orbis International supporting its mission to address vision inequality by providing communities across the world with access to sight-saving interventions.

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By 2025, the Hoya-sponsored program will have screened more than 500,000 children.
The Workplace pillar will focus on fostering Hoya’s unique culture of sustainable leadership at all levels grounded in its core values, attracting and nurturing exceptional talent and enabling outstanding team achievement in an inclusive environment.

Several initiatives already launched include an enterprise-wide on-demand learning platform with over 16,000 training courses in 13 languages, transforming internal talent mobility through an internal career marketplace, raising the bar on leadership selection and development and reinventing its performance management framework based on employee feedback.

“Hoya’s One Vision, three-pillared, sustainability program aims to address the impact we as a business have on the world, with our employees, our communities, and the planet ensuring we are operating every aspect of our business in a sustainable, accountable manner,” said Alexandre Montague, CEO of Hoya Vision Care.

“As a global business, we have a clear responsibility to focus on climate change, work with and give back to the communities where we operate including reducing the vision health gap and to build a strong, highly trained workforce filled with career opportunities to ensure a robust future. We have all of the pillars in place and are excited to continue on our One Vision journey.”

Hoya Vision Care will report the progress of One Vision annually through a sustainability report issued by the Hoya Group.

SOURCE:  Hoya Vision Care