Coburn announces new spin coating system

Coburn Technologies is releasing the Velocity LTE Spin Coating System — a semi-automated spin coater that builds on the Velocity coating platform and provides the control and ease of use needed by small to mid-sized labs. It offers the same coating technology of the flagship platform at a lower price and in a smaller footprint.

“The system operates in a recipe-driven environment allowing the lab to optimize the coating process for different lens parameters”, explains Coburn Technologies President Alex Incera. “For example, it offers the flexibility to create custom cure profiles to eliminate warpage on higher index materials or to adjust spin speeds and times to optimize film thickness. All of this can be process-driven directly from the user interface”.

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The machine features an individual control board for each of its three spindles. Each spindle circulates automatically through three stations: wash, coat, and UV-cure. The spindle speed can be adjusted through the machine’s operator screen, offering more control of the coating process. This semi-automated system can process 80 lenses per hour with manual loading and unloading. It also features an auto-priming function and the elimination of overspray.


Velocity-LTE by Coburn Technologies